Achieve Great health and better fitness with Shimkendo!

Shimkendo is a program designed by Grandmaster Azad specifically to benefit the seniors. It is a low-impact workout regimen focused on ancient teachings about the body's innate internal energy system and healing forces.

Over 40 years of work has centered on developing this internal martial arts program for seniors!

Shimkendo Fitness Classes come with tremendous benefits

Shimkendo is an exercise system for all adults/seniors looking to alleviate stress and enhance their wellbeing and overall health.

The course is focused not on magic but on practical instructions that have shown to:

  • Increase range of movement in joints

  • Improve muscle mobility

  • Strengthen tendons and ligaments

  • Significantly improve bone density

  • Improve breathing

  • And control of body internal repair systems

Get Started Today And Learn Shimkendo!

Best Shimkendo classes an ultimate mind-body workout!

Shimkendo blends east tradition with western modern physiological understanding. This practice promotes physical, emotional, and spiritual health and happiness in life for mature adults.

Shimkendo is formed with various Elements:
  • Basic warm-up exercises to repair damaged cells and improve flexibility
  • Self-acupressure exercises intended to help distribute blood and energy around the body
  • Easy-to-use self-defense gestures (standing or sitting down)